Affirmed Power of Natural COVID Immunity
Published by Rev. Christopher StandingBear in Link · Tuesday 09 Nov 2021 · 1:00
Tags: studies, evidence, natural, immunity, covid
Tags: studies, evidence, natural, immunity, covid
In Brief
- The Facts:
- There are over 106 studies examining evidence of immunity gained from COVID infection versus COVID-19 vaccine induced immunity as of October 15th 2021.
- The science illustrates that natural immunity is more robust.
- The power of natural immunity has remained somewhat unacknowledged by the CDC throughout this pandemic.
- The CDC still recommends those who recovered from natural infection from COVID be vaccinated.
- With COVID having such a high survival rate for people who are generally healthy, what's wrong with allowing them to acquire natural immunity through infection?
- Why is natural immunity rarely considered when it comes to health policy like vaccine mandates?
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