Does your vibrational response to covid matter?

Bearfoot Healing
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Does your vibrational response to covid matter?

Bearfoot Healing
Published by Rev. Christopher StandingBear in Health and Wellness · Saturday 21 Aug 2021 ·  1:45
Tags: covidEnergymedicineenergypsychologyHealthRev.ChristopherStandingBeartruthabout
The vibration you hold within makes a huge difference in your well-being, impacting the emotional, mental and physical bodies.
Please consider this regarding covid; when your vibration is of fear compounded by the fearful media broadcasts that so many surround  themselves with, two results are created.
  1. You suppress your immune system which will increase your chances of contracting what you fear.
  2. You contribute to keeping covid and what is truly behind it, in place.
On the other hand, when Love is your vibrational perspective, then  greater space and possibilities are available to you, including miracles.
Both fear and Love are very powerful vibrations at the opposite ends of the spectrum, and in the simplest of terms, the stronger you feel one or the other, the quicker and more effectively you will get what you are focused on.
An example of this is reviewed in my article, How about a change of focus,  in which I lay out how a change of focus from what we don’t want – to  what we do want, will manifest what we are actually looking for. This  principle remains true regardless of what we are looking at.
Since the beginning of the covid agenda, I have been very clear about my position and what energy vibration I choose to hold and carry. I have, and continue to choose, the Purest of Infinite Love and Light; if you  really know me, that isn’t a surprise.
Admittedly, I have been deeply Blessed with the clarity to see, feel  and know the Truth regarding this situation, and it is openly available  to you as well with a little truthful research outside of google.
Blessings to you.
I Love You.

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