Elon Musk Neuralink

Bearfoot Healing
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Elon Musk Neuralink

Bearfoot Healing
Published by Rev. Christopher StandingBear in Health and Wellness · Friday 02 Feb 2024 ·  1:15
Tags: ElonMuskNeuralinkmonkeysPhysiciansCommitteeResponsibleMedicine
1,500 Monkeys Dead, Now Humans?
By Alexis Baden-Mayer, Political Director at Organic Consumers Association:
When Elon Musk tweeted on January 29th that “The first human received an implant from Neuralink yesterday and is recovering well,” the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine issued a timeline of the controversy surrounding the more than 1,500 monkeys Neuralink had killed in experiments involving the brain-computer interface. It reads in part:
“In September 2018, a Neuralink neurosurgeon drilled into the skull of a female rhesus macaque known only as ‘Animal 21’and filled holes with the [BioGlue] adhesive. The next day, she lost coordination and balance, experienced paralysis in both legs and was suffering from ‘depression.’ The day after that, she was seen ‘gasping/retching’ and ‘collapse[d] from exhaustion/fatigue.’ When staff finally euthanized her and conducted a necropsy, they discovered BioGlue was ‘covering and compressing a large area of the left cerebrum’ and blood had built up on the surface of her brain. They also found ‘acute’ ulcers in her esophagus ‘likely due to vomiting’ and blood in her stomach. BioGlue had never been approved for use in the study…”
And yet, in May 2023, the Food & Drug Administration approved Neuralink’s request for permission to pursue human trials!

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