Natural COVID Immunity Is Very Strong
Published by Rev. Christopher StandingBear in Health and Wellness · Sunday 17 Oct 2021 · 1:15
Tags: John, Hopkins, Medical, Prof, covid, natural, immunity
Tags: John, Hopkins, Medical, Prof, covid, natural, immunity
"Approximately twenty studies have now emerged regarding natural immunity to COVID. All of them point to the fact that natural immunity acquired through a COVID infection can be quite robust. Emphasizing this may seem like a broken record to many independent media journalists, but it’s important to continue to do so given the fact that science continues to go ignored by governments around the world. It doesn’t make sense why natural immunity is not included in health policy decisions."
It is interesting that for over a century, we have acknowledged and relied upon natural immunity resulting from exposure to the virus, whatever it happened to be, but the moment "they" push a vaccine onto, or in this case, into billions of people, while grasping for complete control over the populace through fear and imagined dependence on them, well suddenly natural immunity doesn't work according to the deceptive narrative.
It is time to stand strong in the Love and Light that you are and protect your personal sovereignty.
I Love You!
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