People Dying in Their Sleep Linked to Covid-19 Vaccines
Published by Rev. Christopher StandingBear in Link · Saturday 22 Oct 2022 · 1:00
Tags: Dr., Peter, McCullough:, Cardiologist;, covid, 19;, vaccines;, dying;
Tags: Dr., Peter, McCullough:, Cardiologist;, covid, 19;, vaccines;, dying;
"At a conference for medical professionals in Sedona, Arizona this past
weekend, several speakers–all physicians–commented on a disturbing
trend: an increase in otherwise healthy people dying in their sleep."
"Dr. Peter McCullough, a cardiologist who is board-certified in internal
medicine and cardiovascular disease, who presented at the conference,
said that when people—especially young people—die in their sleep the
underlying cause is often myocarditis."