Shocking testimony of Covid-19 nurses
Published by Rev. Christopher StandingBear in Health and Wellness · Sunday 28 Jan 2024 · 6:00
Tags: truth, covid, 19, testimony, nurse
Tags: truth, covid, 19, testimony, nurse
The shocking testimony of the Covid-19 nurses
By Niall McCrae - January 25, 2024
Most people seem to have moved on from Covid-19. They may
occasionally refer to the ‘pandemic’, but they’d rather put it in the
back of their minds. So it’s important that we critical thinkers don’t
let the truth be buried by an official narrative that a deadly disease
struck, radical interventions were necessary and then a miraculous
vaccine saved millions of lives.
I know a nurse who worked throughout covid at the local intensive
care unit. She believes that while the disease was exaggerated, it was
distinct from the usual respiratory infections. Positively-tested
patients admitted to her unit frequently suffered from asthmatic
attacks. But such symptoms probably resulted from the terror induced in
society by the government. And these patients were right to be
terrified, because they faced being hooked on to a ventilator, totally
dependent on overworked clinical staff, with no visitors allowed. As Roger Watson and I explained on TCW, many never took another natural breath.
The book What the Nurses Saw by
Ken McCarthy features interviews with nurses who worked in the killing
fields of US hospitals. An army veteran, Erin Marie Olszewski qualified
and practised as a nurse in Florida. When New York became the American
epicentre of Covid-19, she answered the urgent call for nurses from the
city authorities. On arrival Olszewski was surprised to be boarded in a
luxury hotel, having no work assigned but paid $10,000 weekly by the
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Clearly the crisis was not
as bad as portrayed on the news.
Eventually Olszeswki was posted to a large public hospital, to find
doctors and nurses following extraordinary and harmful protocols. Rather
than a last resort, intubation to breathing machines was primary
treatment. Andrew Cuomo, governor of New York, acted as medical
dictator, ordering 30,000 ventilators. As paycheck employees following
administrative policy, doctors abandoned their Hippocratic Oath,
mistreating patients who walked into hospital but left via the morgue.
Consent, so fundamental to healthcare, was reduced to doctors telling
patients that their only chance of survival was mechanical ventilation.
According to Olszewski the throughput was like a factory production
line, manufacturing the desired mortality data. Nurses, normally
reticent in challenging decisions made by doctors in a rigid
hierarchical culture, failed to put their patients first. They were
complicit in state-sanctioned murder. This was particularly awful in the
public hospitals of New York, where the majority of patients were poor
and funded by Medicare, the federal system that incentivised use of
ventilators, paying hospitals $39,000 per case. As patients were
expected to perish, little care was given and they lay unwashed on their
faeces. As soon as a corpse was carried out, the apparatus was used for
the next admission.
Another whistle-blower, Nicole Sirotek, observed that institutional
power was rarely needed to ensure nurses’ compliance with the covid
regime. The nursing staff policed themselves, making clear that any
dissident would be ostracised, imperilling their professional career.
According to Kimberley Overton, a nurse in Nashville, nurses were
told not to spend time near patients’ beds to reduce spread of the
virus, despite their full exposure in wards dedicated to covid cases.
This was unnecessary cruelty. Patients were deliberately isolated,
deprived of nutrition and water (drips were regarded as sufficient fluid
intake), and communication was impossible with nurses covered
head-to-toe in PPE.
Wards should have had a warning at the entrance to abandon hope, all
ye who enter here. Overton observed that covid was killing only people
in hospital, not at home nor among the homeless. The treatment regime
was devised to end lives efficiently. Ventilators were key to this, as
Overton described:
‘In all my career, I had never seen the PEEP (positive end-expiratory
pressure) settings set so high. Typically we see it at about five, and
we were seeing that pressure at fifteen. We were blowing people’s lungs
To sedate intubated patients, high doses of fentanyl were
administered. It was standard practice to conduct a breathing test on
patients after a day on the ventilator. They almost always failed,
because of the respiratory suppressant effect of fentanyl. But the most
dubious intervention was remdesivir, declared by Anthony Fauci as the
‘drug of choice’ for covid sufferers. This antiviral was originally
tested on Ebola cases, but over half died in the trial. For covid a
rushed and incomplete trial was claimed as evidence of its efficacy, but
the drug often caused kidney failure.
British readers will be particularly interested in the account of
Kevin Corbett. I spoke alongside Corbett at Trafalgar Square in
September 2020, when he warned the mass audience of the ‘Nazification’
of the NHS. Covid-19 was not panic by the authorities, but a deliberate
and planned takeover of the healthcare system. Individual care, to which
taxpaying citizens believe they are entitled, was replaced by
Nazi-style viral hygiene. Petty dictators in matrons’ uniform had never
enjoyed so much power: no mask, no shift. The rationale for covid rules
was never therapeutic, but exertion of totalitarian authority.
The NHS was bad, but American hospitals were much worse. The profit
incentive was irresistible to unscrupulous administrators, with
incredibly high payments for concluded cases (i.e. deaths). Another
factor is that senior managers and clinicians of Democrat leanings were
dealing with patients of lower socio-economic status and populist Trump
proclivities. Vaccination rates in the US confirmed this political
The motto, should another pandemic be declared (Disease X, as the
media are priming), is ‘stay out of hospital’. That’s a terrible
indictment on doctors and nurses, so many of whom broke their code of
conduct to participate in crimes against humanity.
What the Nurses Saw should be required reading for
politicians, administrators and clinicians who uncritically accepted and
applied the Covid-19 orthodoxy. McCarthy’s compendium of bedside
experiences shows what happens when all professional and moral standards
are abandoned in favour of a globally enforced
problem-reaction-solution contrivance. As Bill Gates excitedly foresees,
there will be a ‘next time’, and if as a society we do not learn the
lessons from the pseudopandemic and confront the evil-doers, we deserve
whatever follows.