Published by Rev. Christopher StandingBear in Link · Tuesday 09 Nov 2021
Tags: truth, about, covid, virus, vaccine, New, World, Order, Adamu, Zingdad.
Tags: truth, about, covid, virus, vaccine, New, World, Order, Adamu, Zingdad.
What is the truth about the virus, the vaccine and the New World Order according to Adamu through Zingdad.
"At the time of recording this transmission from Adamu (November 2021), the story of humanity, here on Planet Earth, seems to have reached a very dark ebb. It appears as if all the world's power structures and authorities have suddenly gone utterly insane. It appears as if they have suddenly collectively turned psychopathically against humanity. Nothing they are doing makes any sense at all!
Or does it?"
Or does it?"
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