We Have Been Watching
Published by Rev. Christopher StandingBear in Freedom · Tuesday 01 Nov 2022 · 1:30
Tags: Freedom;, Cabal;, Shadow, Government;, media;
Tags: Freedom;, Cabal;, Shadow, Government;, media;
"The awake among us have been watching.

We have countered all your deceptions, lies, falsehoods, betrayal, censorship, disinformation, misinformation, fraud, manipulation, suppression, gaslighting, fearmongering, greed, divisiveness and propaganda with Truth, Love and Light.
Your ways have only served to increase our awareness of your actions and further distance you from Source.
Your time is up... the dark reign is ending." Rev. Christopher StandingBear
The logos above represent only 7 out of a great many resources that were used to influence the unaware and hide the actions and motivations that were used against the populace.
This goes far and wide, and has been going on for eons; we are here to end this.
It is time to wake up now. We need you.
One of our greatest strengths individually and collectively is our capacity for Infinite Divine Love and Light, and we are changing the status quo, in part, because of this.
The Shadow is desperate to stay in control and keep the unaware in the dark, as well as prevent the Truth from coming out. Too late, it already has and will continue to come forth for the unaware.
As we travel this path, we will need to choose Love and Acceptance for self and any unawareness we've held, and equally for the Shadow behind these existing conditions, and make room for forgiveness even if without an apology.

"The end of this is drawing ever closer... I am sensing the increased desperation of their agonal breath."
Rev. Christopher StandingBear