Young athletes dying after taking covid vaccines
Published by Rev. Christopher StandingBear in Link · Wednesday 10 Nov 2021 · 1:00
Tags: athletes, dying, after, covid, vaccines
Tags: athletes, dying, after, covid, vaccines
Another wake up call!
Young healthy athletes from around the world are suddenly dying or suffering from adverse health challenges right on the playing field, soon after covid vax.
Also worth knowing...
MSM manipulation to fit the official narrative?
"Following an outcry of criticism
from mainstream media in Britain, in which journalists and scientists
criticized the UKHSA for “providing material for conspiracy theorists
around the world” and the Office of Statistics Regulation (the U.K.
statistics watchdog) labelled
the reports as “potentially misleading,” the UKHSA backed down and has
since amended its reporting to dispense of the charts detailing a
decline in vaccine effectiveness."
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