EFT Tapping Script | Celebrating my Worthiness
Healing Articles > EFT Tapping Scripts
With Infinite Love in my Heart for you, I am providing this EFT tapping script for Clearing the way to Celebrating your Worthiness, as a way of supporting you on your path.
Keep in mind though, the only time the Emotional Freedom Technique falls short is when you are being too general in your approach; be as specific as you can. If the condition you are working with goes away and then comes back, then it indicates that there is more to collapse, and it may require assistance from a knowledgeable and experienced practitioner like myself.
With that said, I suggest you be aware of what you are working on clearing and transmuting before proceeding. As an example, that time when the school bully knocked you down at recess as you were walking and caused your head to hit that rock sticking out of the ground and cut your temple which you still bear the physical and emotional scars from.
You don't have to relive it; you already do on a deeper level, (fluctuating between subconscious and conscious awareness). It is really a matter of setting the intent to work on that particular instance, and, what typically happens is, as you tap, the 'like kind' instances are also being peacefully worked out, creating even greater relief and freedom.
Let's get started....
KC = Karate Chop
EB = Beginning of Eye Brow
SE = Side of Eye
UE = Under Eye
UN = Under Nose
Ch = Chin
CB = Beginning of Collar Bone
UA = Under Arm
TH = Top of head
1. The Setup...Say the following 3 affirmations 1x each while continuously gently tapping the Karate Chop point:
- Even though I have felt so unworthy of Real Love, support and celebration, I choose to be open to Loving, Accepting and Forgiving myself and anyone else involved as best as I can
- Even though my past experiences may have played a part in shutting down my sense of worthiness, I choose to deeply, and completely, Love, Accept and Forgive myself and anyone else involved as best as I can
- Even though I have had a hard time with feeling worthy, especially when I want to the most, I choose to deeply, and completely, Love, Accept and Forgive myself and anyone else involved as best as I can
2. The Sequence...Gently tap about 7x on each of the following energy points while repeating the statement at each point.
EB - It has been really hard to feel worthy
SE - When I have all these reasons why I am not
UE - I allow all my arguments against my worthiness
UN - To come forth into my awareness now
Ch - For acknowledgement and examination
CB - I have come to believe so many hurtful things
UA - About myself and my right to be worthy
TH - I am feeling all of this now in my body
EB - It has taken its toll on my sense of self
SE - Others have said things about me that hurt
UE - And I took their words to heart out of trust
UN - They must know what they are talking about
Ch - At times I have been treated with such disregard
CB - And I have questioned my value and worthiness
UA - Somewhere I determined I am unworthy
TH - Given the way others have acted around me
EB - My experiences have taught me to question
SE - My value and worthiness and this has shaped
UE - My beliefs about myself and the life I deserve
UN - I have struggled with feeling Truly Loved and Supported
Ch - Because I cannot Love and Support someone
CB - So obviously worthless and unworthy
UA - I have felt moments of contempt for myself
TH - And that has caused me so much emotional pain
EB - I have done my best to survive
SE - With all I know and believe to be true
UE - There is so much baggage and conditioning
UN - That I have carried around and lived with
Ch - It has been very challenging and hard to do
CB - With all this evidence of my apparent unworthiness
UA - I have suffered so much inner turmoil and anguish
TH - I am beginning to wonder if I got it all right
EB - What if I have misunderstood the apparent evidence?
SE - What if they were wrong about me?
UE- What if my assumptions have been misleading?
UN- I have looked everywhere outside of my Self
Ch - And found false love to be conditional and based on
CB - False perceptions that have appeared true
UA - I have made so many mistakes that hurt
TH - I have told myself so many painful stories
EB - I have had so many struggles with life
SE - I have accidentally shut myself down from feeling
UE - I Am Worthy of receiving and experiencing Infinite Love
UN - I have felt so unsupported, poor and insufficient
Ch - I have often felt so alone, lost and withdrawn from Life
CB - I have felt very needy, I want and desire so much
UA - Sometimes I feel so guilty and ashamed for existing
TH - I have felt so unworthy of celebration
EB - Even my birthday has been painful to acknowledge
SE - I feel like I have made too many mistakes
UE - A part of me feels like I have sinned against God
UN - Even if I have never been religious in this lifetime
Ch - I have been influenced by the collective belief in sin
CB - In my Heart I know sin is a 3D human construct
UA - Designed to create a sense of separation from
TH - Love, Light, God Source and our True Nature
EB - And this false sense formed the inherent belief in unworthiness
SE - Which has given rise to judgment and condemnation
UE - And has only served to further separate myself from Real Love
UN - Surely life is not meant to be this way
Ch - There must be a misunderstanding somewhere within
CB - What if we all have misunderstood what is actual Truth?
UA - What if the truth we believe is a result of manipulation for control?
TH - I am tapping here to create room for Real Understanding
EB - On every level and layer and in every direction and lifetime of my Being
SE - I am resolving and discharging all the guilt I have held
UE - I am resolving and discharging all the shame I have held
UN - I am resolving and discharging all sins I believe I have committed
Ch - I am resolving and discharging all the collective beliefs from within
CB - That have only served to separate me from my Divine Self
UA - I am resolving and discharging my belief that the Divine would ever withhold Real Love
TH - I am tapping here to resolve and discharge all conditions for worthiness
EB - On every level and layer and in every direction and lifetime of my Being
SE - I am resolving and discharging all my arguments against my worthiness
UE - I am tapping to clear room within for forgiveness
UN - I am choosing to fully forgive myself, the past
Ch - And all those who were ever a part of it
CB - I now transmute my contempt into self-acceptance through Real Love
UA - I now transform all the inner turmoil and anguish with Real Love
TH - I am tapping here to resolve and discharge all the lies I have held
EB - On every level and layer and in every direction and lifetime of my Being
SE - I am choosing to create room within for Divine Presence
UE - I am tapping to clear room within for All-Encompassing Love
UN - I am choosing to allow Real Love and Self-Acceptance into my Being
Ch - I am choosing to clean and clear the connection I have within
CB - That the experience of conditioned life once clogged
UA - I am tapping to clear room within for compassion and worthiness
TH - I am tapping here to Lovingly and compassionately set myself free now
EB - On every level and layer and in every direction and lifetime of my Being
SE - What others say or do around me often mirror what I believe to be true
UE - About myself and how I am with myself, giving me the opportunity to
UN - Clearly examine my inner world and transform my ways of Being
Ch - Sometimes people act cruelly and speak hurtful words
CB - I get to decide if they have any meaning for me
UA - Only my self-judgments determine my sense of worthiness
TH - I am tapping here to resolve and discharge all self-judgments
EB - On every level and layer and in every direction and lifetime of my Being
SE - As actual Truth flows in, I completely let go of the emotional hurt and pain
UE - I am choosing to peacefully and joyously celebrate myself and my birthday
UN - I completely let go of the conditions I laid on myself for worthiness
Ch - I am choosing to be completely accepting of my worthiness
CB - I am completely worthy of celebrating and Loving
UA - It is completely impossible to erase my inherent value and worthiness
TH - I am tapping here to fully reconnect with my Divine Nature
EB - On every level and layer and in every direction and lifetime of my Being
SE - I am allowing Love to cleanse and transmute the unreal and illusionary
UE - I am allowing Love to cleanse and transmute the misunderstandings and conditioning
UN - I am allowing Love to cleanse and transmute the sense of and belief in separation
Ch - I am allowing Love to cleanse and transmute the fear
CB - I used for keeping any part of my Self in the shadows
UA - I choose to fully align myself with Love Light and Worthiness now
TH - I am cleansing and transmuting all history and aligning with Truth and Connection
EB - On every level and layer and in every direction and lifetime of my Being
SE - I am freely accepting myself Being Connected to Worthiness
UE - I have always been Connected to Worthiness in hiding and Now I Remember
UN - I am completely Connected to All That Is, Ever Has Been and Ever Will be
Ch - Nothing I have ever done or will ever do removes the Truth of my Worthiness
CB - I Am Infinitely Worthy and Worthwhile and my Life Reflects this Truth Now
UA - I Live as Worthiness Expressed in all levels layers directions and lifetimes
TH - I Am Worthy for I Am Love Expressed and I feel this throughout my body now!
Take a deep breath filling your belly and slowly exhale.
I advise you take a sip of water to help ground yourself in the present moment.
If the issue persists...
Repeat the following affirmation 3x while continuously gently tapping on the Karate Chop point:
Repeat the following affirmation 3x while continuously gently tapping on the Karate Chop point:
- Even though I feel this remaining separation from Love Light and Worthiness, I deeply and completely Love, Accept and Forgive myself and anyone else involved anyway
The Sequence...
Gently tap about 7x on each of the following energy points while repeating the statement at each point.
EB - I now peacefully resolve any remaining lack of forgiveness
EB - I now peacefully resolve any remaining lack of forgiveness
SE - On every level and layer, in every direction and lifetime
UE - I now peacefully resolve any remaining refusal to let go
UN - On every level and layer, in every direction and lifetime
Ch - I now peacefully resolve any remaining past energies
CB - On every level and layer, in every direction and lifetime
UA - I now peacefully resolve any remaining pain, hurt and sorrow
TH - On every level and layer, in every direction and lifetime
EB - I now Lovingly resolve any remaining misunderstandings
SE - On every level and layer, in every direction and lifetime
UE - I now Lovingly resolve any remaining conditioned thoughts
UN - On every level and layer, in every direction and lifetime
Ch - I now Lovingly resolve any remaining falsehoods
CB - On every level and layer, in every direction and lifetime
UA - I now lovingly discharge any belief in sin guilt and shame
TH - On every level and layer, in every direction and lifetime
EB - I now Lovingly choose Love for myself
SE - On every level and layer, in every direction and lifetime
UE - I now Lovingly choose Light for myself
UN - On every level and layer, in every direction and lifetime
Ch - I now Lovingly open myself to Love Light and Worthiness
CB - On every level and layer, in every direction and lifetime
UA - I now Lovingly Accept my Worthiness into and through this body
TH - On every level and layer, in every direction and lifetime
I Am Always Infinitely Loved and Absolutely Worthy!
Repeat again if necessary to collapse and resolve your issue.
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Still experiencing problems?
It is advisable that you work with a knowledgeable EFT Practitioner to get very specific about your challenges and help you find, resolve and release all the aspects that are contributing to the condition(s) you are dealing with.
It is advisable that you work with a knowledgeable EFT Practitioner to get very specific about your challenges and help you find, resolve and release all the aspects that are contributing to the condition(s) you are dealing with.
I am here to assist you with getting your life back; let's resolve this together.
This procedure is one of the Emotional Freedom Technique formats that Rev. Christopher StandingBear uses with his Trauma Release Coaching™ clients, and in his work as an anxiety/panic, trauma, and PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) specialist.
I Love You!