Article | Reflections | Words of Wisdom - Bearfoot Healing

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Article | Reflections | Words of Wisdom

Healing Articles
When you meet anyone,
Remember it is a reflection of Self.
As you see them, you will see yourself.
As you treat them, you will treat yourself.
As you think of them, you will think of yourself.
Never forget this, for in them you will find yourself or
lose  yourself.

Author Unknown
When I read the above several years ago, I didn’t completely comprehend the meaning of it. I understood the meaning of each word, but not the depth of the whole. In the last few years, as I’ve grown spiritually through the challenges of my experiences, I’ve gained a better understanding of its meaning and how it relates to my life. I would like to share my understanding with you now.
We are being asked to understand that the people we know and meet in our life, are our mirrors. They reflect back to us the parts of ourselves that we would not normally see. They show us the parts of ourselves that we have ignored, and are in need of our attention.
Because they are our mirror, as we see them, we will also see ourselves. They are reflecting back to us exactly what we need to see about ourselves. When we find ourselves being bothered by another, we are seeing a part of ourselves that bothers us. Often times we have hidden this part away from others and often even from ourselves. We have placed it in the shadows... out of view, so it won’t be seen.
It is in the process of seeking out and finding this part of ourselves, and then bringing it the loving light and acceptance it deserves, that we find we are no longer bothered by it.
We will also notice that as we love and accept these parts within ourselves, we will be loving and accepting of these reflections in others. In other words, we will no longer find ourselves being bothered by that reflection. It also stands to reason that when we see wisdom, grace, love, acceptance, etc. in another, we are seeing our reflection in them. It is our wisdom, grace, love, acceptance, etc. we are seeing... as well as theirs.
The way we treat others in regard to what we see in them, is a reflection of how we are treating that part of ourselves. As we treat them with disrespect, we are indeed treating ourselves with disrespect. As we dishonor them for what they are reflecting for us, we are indeed dishonoring the part of ourselves being reflected. As we bring love and respect to these parts within us, we will feel love and respect for those outside of us.
The people in our lives play a very important role for us. They help us to see and understand all the aspects of ourselves. They deserve our love, respect and honor for their role in our lives.
Something that I believe is important for each of us to understand is that each of us has the potential to be the murderer, the robber, the rapist, etc. that we have read or heard about. If the circumstances were right, anyone of us could be any of those things.
Life is a series of choices. How we choose to respond to life, determines our path. We have the choice to react in fear, or to react in love. In a state of fear, we see our choices as limited. In a state of love, we know our choices are unlimited. When we are in an environment filled with fear, we believe we must make certain choices in order to survive. In an environment filled with love, we realize our survival doesn’t depend on our making those same limiting choices. We understand that we can break out of the fear filled environment by merely choosing differently.
Our judgments towards others are a reflection of the judgments we have for ourselves. Our judgments are made from a place of fear and misunderstanding. It is in the process of opening ourselves up to love, that we find a willingness to seek out true understanding. As we gain understanding, we find we no longer have anything to be fearful of. In our love we bring light to the shadows within ourselves, where our “faults” are hidden. In the light of our love, these parts of us are illuminated and we gain an understanding of the role they play in our life, and in so doing, we find acceptance for them. That which we resist, persists. In finding acceptance, we let go of the energy we have used to keep these parts hidden. As we learn to accept these parts, they take on a natural balance within our life, and blend into our being.
When we think of our mirrors in fear, we reject them, as well as the parts of us they are reflecting. When we think of our mirrors in love, we have nothing but respect and honor for them, and the parts of us they are reflecting. We understand they are one of our greatest gifts.

We have choices.

We can either find ourselves by seeing and understanding that what we are witnessing in others is our self-reflection, and they are there to help us, or we can lose ourselves by seeing and believing that the actions of another is just their problem and continue to react from that belief.
It has been my experience, that when we choose the latter we end up attracting several people and experiences that will surround us with this reflection until we get it and in fact, when we continually believe something it becomes reflected in our experience and then we develop an increasing certainty that our original belief is true because now we have all this evidence. Break this cycle of affirming lies and you will become open to what is True.  
I believe it is our Higher Power's wish, that we Infinitely Love and Accept ourselves as much He/She/It does!
The first step is awareness!
What will you choose?

Copyright 2006 - Rev. Christopher StandingBear - All Rights Reserved

Want help changing the reflection you see and experience? See how I will assist you!

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About the author
Rev. Christopher StandingBear RMT specializes in helping clients discharge their emotional attachment to the past through his work as a Trauma Release Coach™ at Bearfoot Healing.

He draws upon his own experiences and study of human behavioral psychology, his intuition, connection with Divine Guidance and the work he does with clients using Energy Medicine and Energy Psychology to write articles that will empower others in their personal healing.

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